I hope someone can help me. I have just recently been diagnosed with LS when I went to the doctor to confirm a pregnancy. I was given steroid cream and that cleared up the itch, so I thought things were fine until I actually had a look down there and noticed my genitals had changed colour and were swollen. It is not painful however and no itching. I wasn't too worried when I left the doctors but just to try and educate myself a little more about this disease I have been doing some research on the internet and now I am terrified. I think I could deal with the gyneacological side of things if I wasn't now 6 months pregnant. The impending birth is terrifying me as all of the research i have done seems to suggest that the skin affected by LS becomes very thin and is easily torn or damaged and scars badly. This is my second child and I had a natural birth with the first, there was some tearing and I had an episiotomy but it healed OK. This time however I am worried that I will be severely damaged. Is there anyone out there that has given birth with this condition? If so I would love to hear from you (good or bad news) just to know what I might be in for. I am seriously considering an elective c section, am I over reacting? I would not consider it if I didn't have LS. If there is anyone out there that could help please respond. If anyone can ease my mind that would be even better, the stress is really getting to me.