Mercury and leaky gut
Im on a leaky gut experiment which is L-caronsine, squalene, brewer yeast and lugols. I truly believe that leaky gut is caused from different angles depending on the person. Majority it could be from sluggish liver, heavy metals or even parasites.
These three symptoms seem to be the HIGHEST rank for being the "root" of most illnesses.
L-CARNOSINE is a liver, kidney, blood and heavy metal detox and helps with food allgergies and celiac disease, BREWERS YEAST is high in zinc and contains good minerals, amino acids and B vitamins, SQUALENE aka "Shark liver oil" is good for leaky gut because it increases circulation, oxygen, and is a high antioxidant linked to fruits and veggies. Lastly, LUGOLS is a good source for leaky gut because it helps with food allergies and gluten intolerance and helps rid body of parasites.
Mercury is one of the most toxic elements on earth. It is linked to many of the most degenerative and horrible diseases known to man. It is unfortunate that these diseases are virtually all iatrogenic - diseases caused by inappropriate medical / dental treatment. Mercury is one of the deadliest toxins known to man. Its toxicity may well prove to be the most invasive and widespread disease in the history of mankind. Mercury poisoning causes many common medical and mental problems including but definitely not limited to: · generalized morning stiffness · joint pain · rheumatoid arthritis · mixed connective tissue disease · skin rashess (skin bumps) · multiple sclerosis · ringing in the ears · burning and numbness sensations · dry eyes and mouth · immune dysfunction · axillary lymph node swelling · digestive disorders · malnutrition · leaky gut syndrome · dysbiosis · yeast and pathogenic bacteria infections · chronic fatigue · depression · circulatory diseases · atherosclerosis and the list goes on and on. Most of the mercury in our bodies comes from the amalgams used to fill teeth.
Though called silver fillings because of their silver appearance, these fillings contain 50 percent or more mercury along with other dangerous and toxic metals including copper, nickel, and tin. Mercury can cause serious dementia, depression and short-term memory loss as well as all of the above listed symptoms and diseases. The American Dental Association (ADA) has known about the extreme toxicity of mercury for many years, yet they continue to deny that mercury in amalgams is toxic and they are adamant in denying that mercury leaches out of the filling. For many years now the ADA has been extremely active in keeping dental patients from learning that dentists have poisoned more than 85 percent of our population!