Re: After all of these years of suffering I feel fairly certain...
Hi 31447,
Sorry to hear about your struggle with body odor, and I see that you are steadfastedly seeking solutions. Body odor is an extremely complex problem because it can have different causes for different people. In many cases, the problem is in the intestines, which seems to be the focus of the treatments you've done, but it is also frequently an internal metabolic condition, and possibly genetic as well. The only conclusive test that I know of for a metabolic condition is the test for trimenthylaminuria (TMAU). Unfortunately, if you live in the U.S., medical insurance plans don't cover it, and the test is performed in various labs throughout the country. If you live outside the U.S., there are other centers as well. You can do all this by sending a urine sample in the mail. for additional information, you can email the TF Foundation at
To be frank with you, I have never heard of hemorrhoids causing such fecal body odor as you explain, unless they prevent you from preventing fecal leakage to your clothes. If that were the case, then your problem would be very localized and you could just treat hemorrhoidal inflammation which could help you with this.
However, I do think that you should see a gastroenterologist not only for your hemorrhoids but also to determine what caused them. It could be that you are too constipated and this may be producing them. Here's a great article on the causes, treatment, and prevention of hemorrhoids,
This article says that, "The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep stools soft so they pass easily, thus decreasing pressure and straining, and to empty bowels as soon as possible after the urge occurs. Exercise, including walking, and increased fiber in the diet help reduce constipation and straining by producing stools that are softer and easier to pass."
Let us know how you progress with this problem. Don't let it keep getting worse without consulting with your physician. The sooner you treat it, the easier it is to treat.
Best of luck,