Re: Here I go again, on my own...
Dear Livingwater,
I am so sorry to hear about your health situation. You have been inspiration for many of us. Interesting , I wrote to you a long time ago and the letter never exited my box. My email on curezone does not seem to work.
You have quite a battle ahead of you and there are no guarantees with any method.
In certain cases, perhaps the combination of surgical and holistic might be best (surgery + water fasting)- depends on type of tumor- benign, malignant, location, encapsulated or not, near major arteries . IF encapsulated does it have arms or finger like projections. Why is this important , because if the surgeon removes the bulk of the tumor but leaves off part or seeds the brain in the compromised state, the prognosis is worse than if surgery was not done. I know of this because I had a relative who had brain cancer. Prognosis was 5 years with surgery maybe more, after surgery he died within 3 months. I only mention this so you can carefully weigh your options and understand exactly what you are fighting. Encapsulated tumors have a better prognosis in general but then again it depends on whether the surgeon can accesss the whole tumor easily. Depending on what you learn, y ou may want to approach it from holistic perspective.
Ann Wigmore, founded the hippocratic institute, there is one New Mexico and one in Florida, there may be other centers that utilize her philosophy. There is also the Gerson therapy sp? I think that institute is in New York, but I think there is one in Mexico that costs around $30,000 for one month. Both of these clinics are known for cancer fighting protocols. There are many others, but those are the only ones that I have of heard of that people had success. Please do your research on the type of tumor shape location ( tell your physician you just want to understand it and understand your prognosis with surgery- if you tell him you are wanting to try some holistic methods, well they seem to write people off- I know from personal experience)-also do extensive research on any protocol you may undertake. If you are too ill maybe you can hire a highschool student or aid to help you or call in a family member to help with the research. People who are in a battle for their life , need a plan and advocates on their side to help with the leg work.
Chrisb1, ( this is his cz user name) survived advanced leukemia through 2 25 days fasts and an additional 30 day fast- water only. Many of the natural hygiene specialists will do phone consults. Please write to him and see what he can offer in regards to information as he is extremely knowledgable and has read almost everything on
Water Fasting it seems. I read of case of cancer that disappeared with 90 days of water fasting. Sorry don't know what type. But the fact is if the cancer can't get its
Sugar then it is going to shrink and eventually be cannibalized by the body. I am not sure of the actions of wheatgrass , but I know Ann Whigmore had success in curing a number of cancers when she was alive.
Time is of the essence.
Your choices seem to be :
Holistic path of wheatgrass
juicing utilizing the norwalk juicer as prescribed by Gerson therapy, general
juicing ( but not sure if that is the right path)- check specific cancer fighting protocols, Extended/extensive
Water Fasting with organic refeeding protocols in between.
Western Approach: Surgery likely with in combination with chemo or radiation. You may the choice of surgery alone and then you might try
Water Fasting to kill off surviving cells that may have gotten into the blood stream. Surgery followed by wheatgrass
juicing for strengthening immune system and fighting cancer then followed by water fasting. Make sure you have someone available to do the shopping etc. All this has to be set up before you are too ill to manage it.
Lastly if you go the surgical route and it had been successful in many cases, you want to follow with hyperbaric oxygen sometime after. Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to help the neurological systems recover much faster after stroke or other neurological incidents. There is a reasonable place where you can stay and provides hyperbaric at Most other facilities are rather costly and don't have the sleeping quarters connected ( this makes a huge difference). I been through it myself.
Below I am posting a post I made to someone concerning hyperbaric in the brain injury forum. You might consider a consult with one of the doctors there as hyperbaric has had amazing success in a number of areas. Combined with a holistic anti cancer protocol or after surgery in combination with anti cancer holistic protocol you would recover faster. I saw amazing things happen with my surgical wound and accident related injuries but it was not a cure all. But miracles do happen. Don't lose hope. G_d helps those who help themselves. But we also know the plans of man are not always the plans of G-d.
Hyperbaric info:
Anything you can do to encourage cognitive rehabilitation, cognition and home computer use of cognitive therapy structured to tbi patients will help. Diet is critical. There are additional supplements that aid the brain. Reading and crosswords will keep his brain active if he can focus even ten minutes at time. TV puts the brain to sleep. Exercise as he is able, 10 minutes a day and build on it. Have him do mental gymnastics, calculations 2x2= ?
Start simple and progress. See where he is at. I had alot of doctors tell me hyperbaric only helps the doctor who sells it. THAT IS NOT TRUE and I don't sell it. See a real specialist like one of the ones below who believe in hyperbaric, if for nothing else a phone or personal consult. You have to be strong and be an advocate for your father. Good choices will spare you wasting time and energy and money on the wrong choices and wrong people. Hyperbaric is considered alternative and most doctors don't know anything about it or write it off as not being useful. The two MD below are among the top in the US. I am sure there are probably others that might be good but I haven't heard of them. Have you ever bought an item that was not quite what you needed and then had to go back out and get the exact one you needed? I have learned the hard way, don't take just any physician, don't get just any consult. Maybe you have to when you are in emergency situation, but once the patient is stabilized you have choices.
I believe there is a great deal of hope for your father. Have faith, don't go it alone, mobilize support from friends, church social service organizations. Don't do this alone, you could burn out and that is last thing you want. Learn to take breaks for all the caregivers involved.
Best of luck to you and write back if you have questions.
1. The omega 3's would be useful as well as including sardines salmon etc in her diet because the oil helps diminsh the inflammatory response that is going on in her brain and additionally will help reduce blood pressure if that is an issue. You can get good fish oil from a company called Carlson located in arlington heights illinois or order krill oil at
2. Hyperbaric oxygen is the way to go if you have the funds. Look up It is canada but more affordable than US and the room was practically free with treatment so you are paying for the treatment, get a room while undergoing treatment and only have to provide for food for yourself.
Oxygen is not covered in USA under insurance because it is considered off label.
Some excellent providers of hyperbaric and medical consultation in the USA: include the two following physicians:
Dr. Neubauer. One of the foremost authorities in the USA on hyberbaric and brain damage. Worth at least a visit and a beautiful place to get treatment right off the coast.
Dr. Perlmutter another specialist that has done extensive work with the brain and has a private hyperbaric treatment center attached to his clinic.
He has a number of formulated vitamins and powders and books that he feels aids the brain. Vinpocetine sp? and hyperizine sp? are suppose to be useful in addition to phosphotidylserine intake. I know NOW vitamins also has a brain formula that might be useful.
3. It is imperative that her diet be really good. Get the junk out the good stuff in. Salad raw foods etc to help heal her brain and help her repair her system. No diet drinks , chips , hydrogenated crackers etc, will make the body harder to work at healing.
4. Neurofeedback. Can do wonders but this should follow as part of a program of cognitive therapy and should definitely follow after the hyperbaric. Hyperbaric can perform miracles. Hyperbaric will require numerous treatments hence the earlier use of the term fundraiser. Brain injury or cerebral palsy patients sometimes go through dozens if not more than hundred or so treatments. It is worth seeing one of the above practitioners and know what they think and if they have treated earlier or similar cases to your aunts.
5. Computer games. start out simple like with the game collapse or diamond mine on yahoo or bejeweled. The brain will respond to simple stimulus . Treat like a child starting out very simply. Gradually progress to other games like tetras. There are even better games out now that involve playing a guitar or boxing the air if arm movement or body movement has been impaired . These aid in developing new neural network pathways.
6. play Mozart and some of the other classical artists used for baby brain geniuses( I think that was a cd) music is suppose to encourage some form of development.Affects the brain wave pattern.
7. you can buy cognitive rehab software for single computer. Can be pricey. Don't know much about it, but it is designed for this.
8. physical activity, walks in the sun. If she uses her left hand , make her practice brushing hair with the right. If you walk down your street to the right, go left. Alternating and changing things frequently wakes the brain up say , whoa what is happening, pay attention. Good for developing neural networks.
9. Have her read if possible small excerpt or piece of news and then relate it back to you . Encourage interaction and support.
10. Find a brain injury support group in your area. Find out who the good docs are locally and what treatments people have tried.
11. Find a church or other religious affiliate to pray for her. I have read many miracles about the power of prayer by a group to help someone. You will need a large congregation. If you don't belong, submit a prayer request online or at churches, hospital chaplains , unitarian etc, even curezone.
Lastly take a deep breath in and let it out and say to yourself , we can do this . Don't try to do it all yourself, call in as many extended family or friends of hers or yours as possible.
If I had to give you a short list of the priority to do these items I would do the following:
1. hyperbaric and or hyperbaric consult with a brain specialist. Not just any brain specialist but one extensively familiar with the amazing feats of hyperbaric and recovery from acquired brain injury. You have the two names above, start there IMHO
2. Diet. Make it healthy. Include fish oil and other supplements. Exercise if possible as that helps to build new brain cells .
3. cognitive therapy program of some sort (neurofeedback, cognitive computer program)
Just for the record, I am not affliated with any person listed here. I went through a really bad trauma myself. So I know what is happening in a sense.
People after brain injuries may be different in subtle and or profound ways. I miss who I use to be , but I am grateful for the miracles and blessing in my life. I am not sure what the extent your aunt's damage is or her prognosis, but the recommendations above can make her better.
Best of luck to you.
Please do careful research and then you will have peace about your choice. Also please get as many churches and prayer groups involved, miracles happen when people come together for the right reasons.
My prayers go with you and I pray you find your renewed health and that you do not suffer. If you need to talk or write, please feel free to contact me and if I can help let me know. I can offer to talk pray or help you research any of your protocols if you like. Can't beat my price, it's free. ;)
take care,