Re: Autism and the Amish
The people who feel frustrated are those who have the real proof(vaccine induced illness) and is laughed at by a sick profit making cabal!
You list of lies is nothing but advertisement made up to promote themselves!
So whats your point ? That you have a list? Wow ,now try to convince anyone but yourself that it is proof of anything but names on paper! If you want to convince any here you're going to have to prove this list means something !
Its a very ludicrous and laughable list ,imagine taking the word of the perpetrator as evidence in a real court of law, you may as well plead the 5th!More laughable and rediculous false advertisement!
If anything these studies prove thier fear of exposure and thier ultimate conviction!The drug pushers are running scared because they know the laws of cause and effect trump all the propaganda they have ,so in hopes of convincing themselves and others that these drugs dont cause personal harm they repeat thier lies over and over in hopes that someone will beleive them!people are catching on corrie girl and all your whining and complaining will get you no where!