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Re: Let me try to explain this cortisol thing
dhammaboy Views: 2,019
Published: 17 y
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Re: Let me try to explain this cortisol thing

I still believe strongly that this is an immune system dysfunction. Or just over reaction. Any time that inflammation is involved the immune system is involved. Cortisol is just part of the process, it may not be the cause. Melatonin has an anti-inflammatory action but it also acts on immune system function. AHR is hitting on some pretty good stuff and filled in some of the holes in CF's theory. By applying the melatonin consistently topically, while there is most probably an anti-inflammatory effect locally, there is most likely a great degree of systemic absorption as well. We don't know how much of this could be lending itself to the symptom suppression.

Here are a couple of interesting links:

Also, adrenal fatigue and cortisol/melatonin balance are easily tested by your doctor. That would be an easy rule-out.



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