My One Month Average PH Readings.
O.k. the report card is in. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would be. My average Urine PH for the period June 23 2006 To July 23 2006 was 6.47. My average Saliva PH for the same period was 6.5. These results may have been skewed by the fact that the included a 1 1/2 weeks of 5.5 urine and saliva PH readings coming off my 10th liver flush. The period also included about a week of 5.5 Urine and saliva PH readings that were brought on my the introduction of the Moreorless Drink.
More important that the PH readings were what I observed related to increase and decrease in PH levels after a couple of hours of consuming certain foods.
"Fresh" Lemons/Lemon Juice - caused me to become acidic and caused my PH to drop dramatically within 2 hours of consuming them. But this may be due more to the fact they may be poor quality lemons.
Apple Cider Vinegar(Braggs Brand With Mother) had a alkalizing effect, but only at 4 Tablespoons a day spread throughout the day.
Cauliflower(from the farmer's market) cooked in vegetable broth(made from fresh farmer's market vegetables) seasoned with tons of turmeric, cayenne pepper, olive oil, garlic, and mustard seed had a dramatic alkalizing effect. This was also true of green beans, peas, eggplant(broiled and deskinned). This even happened when this was consumed with considerable acid forming foods such as fish, chicken, bison, etc.,
Greens powders seemed to have little or any alkalizing effect much to my surprise.
The Moreorless Drink had an acidfying effect. However, it is soon to assess the alkalizing potential of this drink as I had only ingested it for a week.
PH readings were highly alkaline following a 1 hour castor oil pack session. This was especially shocking since castor oil packs are supposed to have a cleansing effect on the body and are allegedy supposed to cause the release of toxins. You would expect the release of toxins in the blood to have a acidfying effect, but the opposite happened in my case.
And most surprising of all, I found that the following almond torte to have the most alkalizing effect and who would expect that considering there are significant amounts of cocoa powder which is deemed highly acidic(Go figure, the body is indeed a complex thing). This recipe was posted by another member and well worth trying for anyone trying to alkalize.
Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg for me, with lots of experimentation still left to try. It is interesting journey that is just beginning to get more interesting. In September I have another blood analysis scheduled and by that time, I will have been on the Moreorless drink for 2 months, combined with a highly alkanizing diet, daily exercise, daily ingestion of Himalayan sole water, accupunture, and castor oil packs. It will be most interesting to see the results of the blood analysis and any improvements that result from these combined interventions. The 6.47 PH for Urine and teh 6.5 PH for Saliva will now form my baseline measure and follow up PH readings after 2 months I am sure will prove most interesting in comparison to this baseline.