Re: Need some advice about rather bad die off..
Ah Ha! Capenredneck you sound like a kindred soul. My husband and I did an
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) protocol for almost six months, worked up to 25 drops a day 3 times a day for about 5 months. It was REALLY good for our health, I got rid of candida, and hubby's blood pressure went down to normal. (He was formerly known as capt. aneurysm it had been 270 over 60, now it's 135 over 70.)
We are both alive and kicking, and much healthier as a result.
We finally went off because we were both getting pretty nuts. Now hubby says I was getting nuts, but I was there too, and we were both nutty as fruitcakes. Hubby had gone up to 28 drops 3 times a day, and that wasn't a good idea.
We were doing our jobs at light speed.
If you are expecting to get rid of worms, H202 doesn't do it. It will clean out intestinal plaque, crud in your viens, and it kills viral stuff, bacteria and yeast unbelieveably well. Pin worms, tape worms, round worms and flukes seem to benefit from the extra O2 as much as you will, in fact I suspect it may even have helped egg cases to disolve and hatch. I use it when I'm on herbal cleanses and I get a viral crud.
However, now we know about H202, when somebody comes into our shop sick, which happens every week end because we sell to lots of drunk tourists, we go home and slam some H202, and watch everyone around us drop from the flu. Except us. It's great stuff.
We killed of over a
quart of 35% in less than a year.
I'm not sure what to say about the die off, we had pretty miserable die off symptoms, but we just backed off for a while, and then went up on the dose when we felt better. Maybe you went up to 25 drops too quickly. Generally, it's like like any other cleansing procedure, back off for a while, but don't give up.
Definitely the benefits outweigh the misery. Hubbies chest pain is gone, no more angina, which was definitely something neiher of us expected.
I hadn't discovered liver flushes, I finally did my first
Liver Flush this week, I suspect that doing a few along with way with H202 is a very good idea. What ever crud you are killing off has to be dealt with by your liver, and maybe you've just maxed yours out. You might need to back off for a while and do a liver flush, then go back on the H202.
All in all, I've seen people go through chemo, and H202 is about like doing chemo. I would also take selenium, it's helpful for your thyroid, too much o2 can damage your thyroid gland.
H202 is considered kind of contraversial for candida, I did it as a last resort. What I finally discovered is that I had chronic candida because I had a large beef tape worm, after getting rid of it, I discovered I also had a round worm infection. I've got the usual stuff as well, pin worms and liver flukes, and I've been killing them off over the last year and a half. Once I got rid of the tape worm, the candida is very much diminished. It's not gone completely, but it's much, much better.
I would suggest that you try to eat while you do the H202, I know it's a pain because of having to take it on an empty stomach, and then having to wait at least an hour after you've drunk it to eat. But it does really clean out the intestines, and you might do better getting rid of accumulated crud if you had something in there besides H202. Try
Bentonite clay for the watery bowel movements.
I also had some sort of underlying viral infection that was never pinned down, similar to hep c or b, and it's also gone. You are not killing yourself, trust me, hubbie and I did it and we are very much alive, and a lot healthier as a result. Just don't go over 25 drops, trust me on that one.