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"poisonous nature of calcium hydroxide.."

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

joylovepeace Views: 3,156
Published: 19 y

"poisonous nature of calcium hydroxide.."

Hate to bring this up again but this quote from a reams website concerned me, here is the article:

"Danger, Danger!!!

RBTI is a vast and comprehensive field. As in any science, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. For instance, a well-regarded RBTI teacher once let me know that they saw many posts in that they considered scary. I do agree.

But I doubt I could ever agree that RBTI knowledge should be restricted to a select or trained minority because of that danger. Mankind's need for RBTI understanding and the health benefits it brings is simply too great.

Here is a story that may illustrate my thoughts. Recently, a poster mentioned that certain numbers called for calcium hydroxide. They were right: calcium hydroxide was the calcium of choice. However, another poster was quick to point out that calcium hydroxide is quite toxic. Yes, a quick review of the Alphabetical Reference Manual will verify that Reams warned sternly about the poisonous nature of calcium hydroxide.

So what is going on here? The answer becomes clear when you discover that Dr. Carey Reams was quite pleased when Jim Daily, of Daily Manufacturing, first devised a way to combine calcium hydroxide with brewer's yeast into a non-toxic product. Daily's Cal II, calcium hydroxide in a non-toxic form, has been a keystone of the RBTI program from that day until now. It will surely continue to be a major player.

The whole episode (and others) reminds me of an iron-clad rule from my days as a highway engineer: one engineer designs---another must approve that design. Another thought that may help you see the danger of deciding on your own to take any product is this: studies of autopsy results have forever proven that medical diagnosis is wrong more often than it is right. RBTI steers clear of diagnosis, including self-diagnosis, and concentrates on rebuilding the mineral reserve such that superb health is the only possible outcome. Regrettably, it is a recognized fact that many who first come to RBTI are still deep into medical drug-think and wish to change symptoms by pushing body chemistry. This is dangerous.

We all know the old adage that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. This website and its associated newsgroup are meant to be places of study, discussion, and sharing. Those who come here to learn a little and then prescribe for themselves (or others) are worse than foolish. Do not do it. Please go away if that is your intention.

However, you are welcome to stay if your thirst for health knowledge is great. As time goes along and if what you read here starts making more and more sense, that is all well and good. You may, as many before you, develop that sure feeling that RBTI holds the health secrets you've sought for a long time. If so, find yourself a competent RBTI consultant or teacher. "

So should we be using the CH in a "non toxic form"? Or is this material outdated?



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