Ways to AVOID getting bombed with too much info
Candida Forum is an excellent forum to learn. I have been a member quite sometime and I learned and researched so much. Although I'm in the same wagon as most, I realized that at first
Candida Forum can get a bit frustrating because of all the information throwned at you right? I suggest you find out what KIND of candida you have. Candida can be severe or less active it all depends. People with severe candida need to think about the connection of parasites/yeast and mercury where as those with least candida can bounce back with probiotics and antifungals.
Another question to ask yourself is besides candida, what other symtoms do you have? This will help whether not your candida is the DIVISION of your problem and not just SUBDIVISION.
Do not give up. I know it can be overwhelming but members on this forum would like for you to get better as well as themselves.
No negative thoughts. Thinking positive can do a lot. So much that I found in a health book entitled "Negative emotions vs health problems" Its a serious matter so if you think negative, you will stay sick. Its not for everyone but I highly believe in it. You need to start from WITHIN before all these topicals, creams, ointments and vitamins. You can't BUY self-love.
**Hang in there Everyone!