Herbal interactions/strange symptoms b/f 2nd round of HUMA
I'm expecting my second round of regular strength Humaworm in the mail any day now, (yea!) but I've also just begun taking Chinese Bitters, Coptis, and Curcuma from SensibleHealth.com to deal with my gallbladder attacks.
I have a couple of questions.
Should, or can I take the Humaworm in tandem with the liver/gallbladder tinctures? I'm a bit worried about over loading my liver with chemicals and toxins by using both at once. These tinctures are quite strong.... However, my gut (no pun intended hee hee) tells me that I would, most likely, see marked results in getting the liver parasites OUT! if I took both remedies simultaneously. The Coptis and Curcuma stimulate bile flow and increase circulation. Seems like a good deal for moving dead/dying critters up and out. I'm not sure.
Also, I am worried about some sensations I've been having in the past couple of weeks. My first round of Humaworm really knocked down many of my parasites. The only ones that I was aware of remaining in full force were the crawly thrashing worm?s in my sinus cavities. They disappeared too, for awhile, but have since come back, although not as bad. I've been rinsing my nose out with Grapeseed Extract and water, (which BURNS!) but it has helped a bit in reducing the movement of the critters, and has increased the mucus flow to rinse them out.
I've also been experiencing slow developing, slow healing boils between my eyes, on my upper nose, and on my neck, just below the ears. When I push, or press these sores, I feel definite movement skittering back into my head somewhere, like eels retreating from their escape holes. I just can't stand it.
Is my next round of Humaworm going to kill these guys? Or am I going to need to have a custom dose next time around?
I had a dream (while on my last/first round of Huma) that the worms were coming out of my brain, and took shelter in my nasal passages, where it is still warm, but not so close to the blood flow carrying the herbs. This may or may not be true, but I have seen a HUGE improvement in my mental state since my first round of Humaworm. Huge. It makes me cry really. I've been depressed for, well, as long as I can remember, and in the past couple of years becoming delusional and extremely paranoid at times. Much of these symptoms have lifted in these 3 months. Thank you so much. This product has changed my life dramatically.
I am still really concerned about getting whatever is in my head, out. For good. Is this second round going to help with that, do you think?
Ok one more question... very odd. I've been having a ... fluttering... in my stomach, about 3 inches directly below my belly button. It feels almost like a muscle spasm except it is in the same place every time, and it doesn't move any of the other surrounding muscles. It doesn't hurt but I feel it in my nerves, like a tugging. This happens several times a day. It could also be some sort of candida infection, as I have been uncharacteristically constipated in the past few weeks. I've also been seeing lots of blood when I defecate. Do candida move, or thrash/flutter?
The area is right around my uterus. Is it possible to have a parasite living in the uterus/in the reproductive area? And if so, what can I do about it? I'm anxious to start my next round of HUMA. When I fly home this weekend, I will have it waiting for me! Yahoo...!
Thanks for your time, and for your fantastic herbs!