19 y
Re: Great question ... and more questions
I have just started using a glass of sole, a saturated salt solution,first thing in the morning and do not add any salt to my water. I put 1 teaspoon sole in a glass of water first thing in the morning. I am also keeping some crystals in my storage container for distilled water, according to Lapis and others, this helps keep the water ionized. While I did not know that, I can believe it because, as I wrote on another forum, my fresh distilled water now tastes like the way rain smells instead of rather flat. Molly and Jake now prefer distilled water to tap water, so my poor Waterwise 9000 gets a daily workout.
I also wanted to ask you an off-topic water question; how do you feel about placing a piece of orgonite on top of the water storage container? I don't want it in the water itself since its made with Bondo, but wondered if the orgonite might help draw positive energy to the water. I would love to energize the water in the sun, but I cannot lift and carry heavy jars outside. For safety I still use hard plastic to keep my water, but want to switch to glass as soon I feel strong enough to safely carry it.