Re: will too much lime water cause diarrhea?
The Calcium in this case may not have caused your Diarrhea directly, but it may have converted too much storage Proteins or "IF" you are eating too much Protein of some form, then this may have converted into the Isotope of Nitrogen which is very Acidic forming to the body and may have Killed off your Good Digestive flora in your Digestive system!
You may have too much Protein Toxemia build up in your body Tissues, which may take some time to remove!
This may be another of the reasons for taking a small pinch of the Epsom Salts with each meal, so as to help control the excess Proteins which the body must remove on a daily basis in order to stay Healthy!
You may take one Tablespoonful of Baking soda in a large glass of water and drink it very slowly over 30 minutes time to help correct this condition!
And you may need to take an ACV enema to clean the putrification out of the colon, so as to help the Digestive system to recover!
You may want to back off of the amount of total drinks you are taking each day to give your body time to adjust, because it may not be able to deal with the amount of Electro-magnetic energy which is being produced, because of sick organs in the body, which take time to heal from years of abuse and lack of needed Alkaline Minerals!
Listen to your body and learn to work with it!
Smile Tis your choice.