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Re: 116 grams
alive76 Views: 1,982
Published: 17 y
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Re: 116 grams

Hello again Tom,

I know what you are saying.

But the way I understand it (and I could be wrong) is that stabilised oxygen, for example, is, let's say 2,8%(I forget the actual number) sodium chlorite.
Taking 100 drops of stabilised oxygen will not give the same results as taking 10 drops of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Otherwise we would have seen the same reports on miraculous healings, that we hear about Miracle-Mineral-Supplement today, from people who had been taking large amounts of stabilised oxygen. (yes, I am aware that many have reported great results with stabilised oxygen. But Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is in a whole different league)

It is my understanding that the solution of exactly 28% which JH discovered is the only thing that kills (nearly) all kinds pathogens. A 33% or 26% solution won't do what the 28% is capable of. Stabilised oxygen kills maybe 60% or whatever. Increasing dosages of stabilised oxygen still won't kill more than those 60%/will never reach the levels of MMS.

Am I totally off here?


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