I only have Goats Milk or Rice Milk once in a while in my oatmeal. Otherwise, the only other form of dairy is cheese once in a while. I don't eat sandwiches. I usually have eggs for breakfast with a grain muffin (eggs are either organic from the health food store or I get them fresh from a Farmers Market in season). I alternate between eggs and cereal. I don't eat lunch and dinner is fresh with oranic meats (buffalo, chicken and once in a while lamb). Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
I am going to be more aware of the cheese though to be sure I stay off of it. I think as I continue the drink, even the breast will improve. It is just that it has felt more "cystic" even before I started the buttermilk. I don't think that is the actual cause. Maybe as my body heals and things change, things get stirred up. I am going to try spraying it with peroxide. Question: How long do you leave it on. Do I spray it before the shower or after.....