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Re: What does the MC cleanse?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

hopinso Views: 3,925
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Re: What does the MC cleanse?

The Master Cleanse eventually cleanses the whole body. First of all the digestive system is cleansed, especially the small and large intestines. The drink helps loosen the heavy, toxic laden mucus that lines the gut of most adults and allows it to pass through the body. Many people see long strands of this mucus after about six days. The raw lemon juice is an excellent kidney cleanser. Even traditional medicine recognizes the ability of fresh lemonade to help dissolve small gravel out of the kidneys and prevent the formation of larger stones. The cayenne helps improve circulation, thus helping cleanse the blood. Lemon juice is also good for helping the liver cleanse. The very act of fasting allows the body to divert the energy normally required for digestion to healing the body. The joints tend to be storage places of minerals that cannot be absorbed, The Master Cleanse helps the joints release the stored minerals. Many people report mild to moderate joint pain in the early phases of the cleanse. This can be caused when stored "rock" minerals are being removed and temporary inflammation sets in. The improved blood flow will help ease this condition in a few days depending on how bad the joint is. People with damaged joints and even scar tissue can have considerable pain as these areas are cleansed and ultimately healed. Body fat is also a store house of toxic materials. As the fat is broken down to help fuel the body, many toxins are released including chemical pesticides and hormones. This is one cause of the unpleasant detox symptoms some people suffer through. These symptom lessen as the body is cleansed.
When people are new to The Master Cleanse they may find it better to do a series of ten day cleanses with colon and Liver Cleanses done in between. Very toxic people generally should not attempt a long fast the first time out. They either need to do several weeks or even months of clean diet to prepare, or else do the series of short fasts. The Master Cleanse is very powerful and most people do not succeed because they try to do too much too soon. It may take some a year or more of MCs plus other cleanses to regain their health, but miracles can happen for those who seek to better their health through concentrated cleansing and a healthy lifestyle between cleanses. Probably the worst reason to do the Master Cleanse is for rapid and permanent weight loss; yet that is how the popular media is promoting the Master Cleanse. Get a copy of the book and read it before you attempt to cleanse. This is difficult to do just through word of mouth, but itcan work miracles when done correctly.


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