I think there are ways to cure costo for good.
I have been cured for the second time. First time I was toxic and had major inflammation issues. Liver flushes, colon cleanses, everything to clean out my body worked like a charm. I think that part of this cleansing process was psychological. For the first time I felt in control of my body instead of the other way around.
The second time (after practicing natural health for over two years) really took me by surprised. I thought I was over it.
One session with an amazing massage therapist who nailed it within 5 minutes.
Under stress, I was pulling my shoulders up around my ears, and also hyperventilating. By displacing my ribcage, I was pushing my lungs out of the way. The two muscles on the base of my neck (either side) were always sore. It was starting to effect the back area by the shoulder blades. She literally found the four spots that were causing me to displace my ribcage through tensing.
The minute she identified these areas (so damn logical) I started to feel relief. The attack lasted for about 3 months, and within 1/2 month it was gone and has been gone for good. I am still a bit protective of that area because I think we can brace so hard we can re-injure. I have been cautious but now have complete freedom of movement without pain. I can again work out and lift things without fear. I'm so relieved.
It could be that you are suffering from a "bracing" injury and need to slow down and examine that area. All those muscles at the top of your shoulders and neck.
Now when I'm stressed I'm very careful about keeping this area relaxed. It's a conscious effort now.
Hope that gives you some food for thought.