Fairly positive results
Hi all
As suggested, I’ve tried taking Lactulose and also Body Mint (which contains three times more copper chlorophyllin than other brands I’ve tried) for the last week and have had more success with this than anything else I’ve tried. Symptoms not totally gone but I’d say 80% reduction so that’s good news!!
NB This is after 2 months of low choline diet,
Antibiotics , probiotics, B2, zinc and PH balanced hygiene products (which did reduce symptoms significantly anyway but not as much as this!) so I suspect gut bacteria/skin PH are in better shape than before.
Hope this is helpful. Could others let me know if they've had any success with same products.
Please also note that symptoms can sometimes reduce with new products then reappear when your body adjusts to them so this may be temporary but am hopeful and will keep you posted :)
Thanks again for all who've provided information on these.