--Success Testimonial--pH rising slowly & Improvements in Healing as continue Protocol--
Hi Moreless,
I just want to update as I progress with Alkalizing protocol. At this date pH has slowly risen to 6.2, as usual lower in a.m. I consider this progress when pH was so low it did not even register when I began to change my life a few weeks ago. I have "eliminated" a great deal of unwanted "company" from digestive tract. Should I be concerned about "what" the critters are and take pictures and all that ???
I am so glad they are leaving, only "inspect" long enough to confirm they are leaving and flush - the toilet that is. Still have not FLUSHED anything else - should I ??? I'm just kidding - I know how you feel about that !!!
One thing remains the same. I have had very strange eye stuff - eyes look irritated, feel cold, air feels cold on eyeball in a warm room, so it's not about the air temperature. I produce very little tears when crying - what is produced does not roll down cheeks, just sits at eyelash edges. Had episode of what seemed like demodex mites a few months ago, along with rest of the physical nightmare. Eyelashes had flecks of white at base and they moved around when I tried to sleep - in eyebrows also - lost lots of both - they are growing back in, but eyes are still bloodshot and cold. What is the cold ???
Have not done your recommended enemas with ACV, but BM's are becoming more normal and regular. Detox baths are great. I'm finding the craving for sugar is leaving me as the pH slowly rises. I love the Alkalizing drink twice a day, doing slight increase of ingredients every few days. Itchy scalp lesions are slowly clearing. Still brain foggy at times, but I anticipate this will leave as I approach 7.2 ??? My diet is the best quality I can afford right now - the recommended vegetables and fruits may not come from the ideal sources, but it is far better than the food I was eating a month ago. I am rearranging life to be able to afford a refractometer and enema equipment, (if I should need to do enema). And rearranging life to limit stress, slowly letting go of hectic schedule to concentrate on getting healthy and growing the best quality food I can this season. NO COLLEGE FOR ME THIS SUMMER - I'M PUTTING ON MY GARDENNG GLOVES and picking up my shovel !!!
My repeated use of the word "SLOWLY" is to emphasize the "GRADUAL" improvements I am experiencing, as opposed to the violently immediate expectations "WE" have been conditioned to expect via A.M.A. I believe that SLOWLY I will become healthier and I KNOW I did not become sick overnight.