Re: New Verification Protocol-MMS authenticity by Jim Humble
I guess Global Light do not have the instrumentation to exactly fill in each bottles like they do for the food industry,pharmaceutical or even those selling herbal extracts,etc.. which kind of makes one wonder..
I will pass on your concern to Jim Humble as to what he has to say..
One interesting thread is the one about pH and the effectiveness of the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement purchased from that seller..
Now if the concentration of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is less than 28% and compensated by the other by -products in it or water,humm no mathematician here but it would appear to be complicated to arrive at 100mL=122 grams
Another factor is the lack of quality control per batches as Global light does mot make it for I think they get it in liquid format and then transfer it to smaller bottles ?!
So it must depend from whom Global Light and others are buying their sodium chlorite from..
Conspiracy buffs- the FDA,etc could have demanded that the manufacturers of sodium chlorite dilute the 28% solution let us say down to 20% if they want to continue selling it to the public hence the rumors of it not working as described etc.
FDA is in habit of just doing that-they let the bogus products on the market after closing down the faciliteis that did sell the product with results..