Help!!! Day 12 Last 3 days have been pure hell
Today is my 12th day on the MC. I typically do around 30 days every spring, but this
Master-Cleanse is becoming torture. It all started 4 days ago when I had the worse cramping ever. The cramps I can deal with, but three days ago I became serverly nauseous, so much so that I could not even stomach the lemonade, so I drank very little; I think this worsened my problem because I became very weak. Two days ago I could not sleep, the lack of sleep coupled with the lack of lemonade turned out to be a really bad combo. Yesterday I had to pull over on my way home because I threw up...spent about five minute on the side of the rode hurling; who knows what I was throwing up because there surely wasn't anything in my stomach, but water and a little lemonade. I should note that I work full time, so work has been hell. I woke up today nauseous, tried swallowing a couple of teaspoons of maple syrup because I thought I needed energy. Chugged down some lemonade still weak and nauseous, there was no way I was going to make it to work feeling this way so I ended up drinking some OJ, nibbling on some natural crackers, and sucking on orange slices. I feel bad for breaking my cleanse, but I don't feel as weak or nauseous. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I want to jump back into full cleanse tomorrow because I planned on during 20 days this spring, but I'm scared.