Anyone can make Lugol's Solution, extremely simple to do, I have made it over 10 years now. It is of zero value in human health, because it is a deadly toxic solution and always has carried the skull bone emblem justifiabley.It can only kill things it comes in contact with and it seeks to return to the air. I make it for the garden, its one and only proper use. Medically it has been used to burn wounds and seal the wound as well as kill all the tissues it comes in contact with. To take such solutions internally is practicing medicine using toxic substances. Most places stopped selling Lugol's Solution by 1960, the vet brands all have wood alcohol added to stop humans from using it. A 16 ounce of vet brand Lugol's use to cost about $60.00. Most anyone making/selling Lugol's today sells it for $6-$10 a dropper bottle. I sell it for garden use, if anyone wants to experiment otherwise that is their own risk. The pure stuff is extremely potent/toxic. I imagnine most sources today sell diluted stuff just to make a $$. any decent Pharmisist can make Lugol's by request or order it already made, etc.