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This just in apples save mankind from Hrex reaction
rmutu212 Views: 3,623
Published: 17 y

This just in apples save mankind from Hrex reaction

It appears that if you eat an apple just after you use Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , you don't get the dreaded neusea claimed by some to be an overdose reaction.

Does this mean by eating an apple you are no longer in danger of croaking. An apple a day keeps the herxs away. Now if we can solve why some get the big D while others find themselves unable to pass only wind, we may win the coverted Noble prize.

I heard a rumor that someone, impersonated an FDA official and contacted various suppliers about their selling their product to retailers who were using the product for human ingestion.

This fake also implied that the FDA was investigating this matter. I wonder who would have the nerve to do that?

Who could be so consumed by jealousy to do such a thing? Inquiring minds want to know.

The effect had the opposite reaction to the desire of the fake FDA official. Sales of the product Miracle-Mineral-Supplement went up by a large margin.

People {fools] decided to stock up on extra bottles of this poison.

How could they do this? How could they not listen to the saviour of all things bad about Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

It reminds me of the cartoon"" RoadRunner". Old Wiley Coyote trying his best to get the roadrunner with various schemes only to see it backfire. I use to crack up when ole Wiley would get that expression on his face when he realized he just blown it..

I wonder how often that face has been seen on secert agent, fake FDA official, knower of all things to do with sodium chlorine?

Just asking.



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