anyone else experience brain fog with Mirena use?
Thank you EVERYONE who has contributed to this website! I got more information from your postings than I could ever probably hope to get from my OBGYN. I got my Mirena inserted about 5 months ago. My OBGYN ensured me that there would be no side effects because the release of medication is localized instead of systemic. If I hadn't had that ensurance, I would never have agreed to it, since I have had problems with oral contraceptives.
Everything was okay at first except for very painful breasts. I have to sleep with a pillow between my husband and me so that he won't accidentally lean against them when I am PMSing. Even with that though, I felt it was a small price to pay for less painful periods and less flow. However, lately, I have been experiencing mental problems that I have never experienced before.
I have experienced anxiety and
Depression in the past (for years) so I know what those things feel like, and am certain that those disorders are not causing this new set of mental issues. And I have never been happier in my entire life - I have no REASON to be depressed or anxious.
My main problem is brain fog. I feel like I am living in a daydream. Fully aware of everything going on around me. I am able to react to things normally and everyone says I 'appear and act normally', but I know something is wrong. My thought processes have slowed down and I am in a trance-like state most of the time. I have been advised not to drive anymore. It is a very strange feeling -- you know you are living life, experiencing life, but none of it feels REAL.
I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow, thinking that I have some new mental illness that I have never experienced before, but now I have my doubts about that. Now, thanks to this site, I can say 'I want my Mirena out -- make it happen pronto!'
I am not looking forward to the so-called 'Mirena-Crash' I've read about though. Painful, heavy periods don't look so bad to me now that I have possibly experienced mental problems due to birth control.
I hope you all feel better soon.