7-10 years ago I had huge pain in a tooth and down my jaw and the dentist suggested I seek a surgeon to remove the 'dead' tooth. The pain was so bad we made a midnight run for a codeine prescription. Some days later, I had three acupuncture needles, one below the lip and the others in a line down the front of the jaw and the pain INSTANTLY drained away!!!! Out of the blue, the pain came back after my first flush, but at a tolerable level. Now the night after the second flush, the pain was dreadful and I was very close to taking painkillers. I just looked up these teeth on the meridian chart and it is saying stomach pylorus/pancreas, T11, T12, L1. It would be one thing to think this is healthy 'retracing' but if this continues with each flush, I'm going to be back on prescription painkillers! Has anybody heard of such a thing? Anybody have any miracle products for numbing this if I can't find another acupuncture success? Thank you so much. - WSW