Re: Optimal Health press
If it was that easy!
Shepherds, Humble, Abraham etc, implore the sheep to put the notion forward that the FDA are against them and the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol of use.
Well that's not even close, it's the WHO (World Health Organisation), EPA (environmental protection agency), NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) , OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), DOE (Department of Energy), APHA, NIH, ACGIH, AIHA, DOT, ATS, CFR, NJDH, etc etc. That set down the to toxicological review for chemicals.
The EPA list the regulations under their IRIS.
Note the scientists and doctors etc, that review, after all information is checked with references.
A couple of panadol/aspirin will fix your headache, why take them when you don't have a headache. Taken to excess they will kill your liver and kidney's, just like
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol will. because it is excess.
The only tip Humble gave anyone that was true,
He claimed they were bad for your teeth.