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And giving an alcoholic more to drink will solve the problem?
MtnnnDewww Views: 1,321
Published: 17 y
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And giving an alcoholic more to drink will solve the problem?

That, my good friend, makes zero sense. Making drugs legal in America will break the back of anything left in America's moral fabric. You think it's bad now? Just wait until every 13th person you meet on the street is high! You think the black dropout rates are "high" now? You haven' seen anything yet. Think fewer black women will be getting laid unprotected when the dude on top of them is just as high? Think that black man who's high will make a good employee for me to hire? Making something inherently bad into something good just to keep the peace is a terrible and utterly foolhardy solution to any problem. Soulless people advocate that. Adults who utter this nonsense are immediately disqualified from further review.



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