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hairless product that might actually work?

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abstractj3 Views: 848
Published: 17 y

hairless product that might actually work?

I was reading through the form and found so many different recommendations about supplements to take. I did some searching on Google and found a product that actually contains MSM, Biotin, Silica, and lactobacillus acidophilus among other things. I'm planning on investing in a bottle, hopefully one of the things mentioned will work.

unfornately the product does have Vitamin A which I heard can be bad for your hair. It also doesn't have Vitamin B, which someone also mentioned as being important..

The only thing I've purchased for my hair so far is biotin shampoo. It hasn't done anything noticeable either way, my hairline seems pretty much the same. I've been looking for the right product to buy and there's so many rumors about what works that it's been hard to decide, but I was kind of leaning towards not buying anything or just getting some Biotin supplements... But I was guessing that would end up not working and I'd go from product to product...

Anyways I'd love to know if this stuff works. It seems to have all of the products that people on this forum are claiming cured them. I haven't ordered it yet, but it does sound promising... I do wonder if the dosages are large enough though.

Anyone try anythign like this?



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