Re: pfffffffahrt in the news again
The television piece I saw on it was stunning. They
had it divided up how much water you get in veggies,
meat, juices, etc. They actually said you could literally
just toss your water bottle. NO NEED for it they said.
I know from my own experience, that for me, that did
not work and lead to chronic dehydration. Once I was
able to educate myself on the importance of water, and
especially from my fasting experience, I learned the
power of H2O~!
Chronic dehydration leads to so many medical issues, I
can only suspect they want to promote disease and all
of the other repercussions of dehydration.
Also, in the back on my mind, I was thinking, they
are trying to s-l-o-w water consumption since the
water wars are coming and there have been recent moves
to assert that water is a HUMAN RIGHT. If it is determined
that we really do not need water, then it becomes a luxury
and one which can be manipulated by the market.