Help -- SWF adjustments?
I'm on the seventh day of my second MC. Last year I did a 22 day cleanse and was extremely happy with the results of my
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) every morning.
I have not changed anything in my cleansing procedure this year, but my SWFs have not been as successful. Some days there seems to be not nearly as much coming out as going in and, on two days (including this morning), nothing has come out.
I still feel pretty good as the the lax tea at night still gives me early morning eliminations (usually before I even do the SWF). Because I drink a lot of water throughout the day I'm not too worried about all that salt still in my system, but I love the extra cleaning that the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) provides.
I keep myself very well hydrated and I even drink a pint of plain water a 1/2 hour before my
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) to make sure (same as I did last year).
I think that I might need to try to adjust the amount of salt in the SWF, but I do not know where to begin -- more or less? I'm hoping that some more experienced MCers can help me out here.
Also, I'm not sure if this is worth mentioning or not, but since my last
Master-Cleanse (not before) I have been practicing the
Water Cure , but I stopped when I started this
Master-Cleanse -- ironically because I was afraid that it would adversely effect the SWF. I'm not sure if this could be a factor in the different results this year.