When you have low stomach acid you won’t be able to properly digest your food intake, especially if raw (although great source of nutrients, raw fibrous vegetables require high energy demands to digest, (ie celery is thought to have negative calories)) . There are ways to boost stomach acid levels like taking sufficient amounts of sea salt and ionic trace minerals as found in molasses and lemons if deficient (zinc is specially important). It may also have to do with the fact that you might miss heat from your meals (in form of temperature, and spices to help circulate blood flow) – not everyone, especially with unbalanced system can rake all the great benefits from raw food and would do best when taking things like broths and nice cooked veggies and good portions of organic meat; perhaps juicing the raw vegetables can help release nutrients for easier absorption if digestion is poor) –but most importantly follow your gut’s instincts; do you feel cold?, do you force down water to keep up with the “suggested water intake?”, do you crave salt? (goes hand in hand with low stomach acid levels). If your body is screaming for something natural, it might be a true deficiency. There are numerous ways of balancing your pH (one of several factors for a balanced health), just try to balance it while paying attention to your body's unique needs.