Re: Adrenal Fatigue and Graves Disease
What do you mean by "I cannot find anything to take...".
You don't have to take anything that doesn't improve your condition.
You can "take" many supplements that don't do much such as calcium/magnesium/selenium/multiminerals or whatever.
The point is what is going to help you.
You can read my last post and try cortisol/isocort.
That is sure to help for adrenal fatigue.
You can possibly take licorice or other herbs.
However, in my OPINION, since graves disease includes hyperthyroidism it can keep your adrenals fatigued forever and has to be treated before trying to heal fatigued adrenals.
There are two paths for "healing" the adrenal fatigue:
1. making the adrenals generate the hormone
2. giving the hormone orally
I think 1 is difficult for you because the thyroid keeps draining the adrenals and they can't heal.
2 is possible as I said by taking HC/IC.
But it seems like you need to find a good M.D. ;)
Good luck.