HISTORY: When I was born I caught a cold and almost died. The Dr. and attending nurse were my god parents since they didn't think I was gonna pull through. Rrrrright!, I'm an old soul in a very not too strong bod! To look at me, you'd see a hot and hunka hunka piece of beef. NOT! It's just a thin veneer to hold my organs in.
DIAGNOSIS: I have an allergy to AIR! Well, cold air, anyway. Walking from my car to a market, if the wind is blowing cold air, I'm screwed. I'm better than before cuz of these blessed health sites but not where I wanna be.
This S U X BIG time so I have to be real careful. So HAAAALYP! I took allergy tests, etc., hoping it wasn't what I knew deep down...my sinuses react to cold air, histmines are released into my blood and I feel like a pile of dog biscuits.
THEN, when I sweat it's a triple threat ~ but I keep on fighting. ACV has been a salvation !BUT! I still need to build up my immunity MORE!
EXAMPLE: Here's the scene the last time I exercised: When I went to the gym I did low-impact areobics and of course, sweated.
After the class I did some light weight lifting and sit-ups ~ totalling 20 minutes, to help cool me down.
I did, I cooled down, went into the sauna which was too hot for my sinuses to bear then did steam for about 3 minutes ~ too hot again, then I took a cool/cold shower.
End of story. I went home did my ACV and all that I do, however, the subsequent days found me in a funk..I had such low energy, cloudy head and vision, slow reaction times because I just didn't feel myself, everything seemed to be in slo/mo, felt real down-did I already say that? et cetera! I'm am SO sick of myself already! :)
~this went on for about three weeks. Geesh!~
I vowed I wouldn't do areobics again but I'm too much a fighter (or dumb) to give up...
ANY suggestions will be grrrreatly appreciated. I just began
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ,
Colloidal Silver , >>>>virgin-too funny) coconut oil...what else? Inhale peroxide, say my prayers AND... I call my mother almost everyday!
I gotta build up my immunity!