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EXACTLY like Iraq:
imaxfli Views: 2,402
Published: 17 y
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EXACTLY like Iraq:

VietNam's situation was exactly like Iraq's is today...the invasion and War should never have taken place because all you do is make more enemies when you do it.No President with a brain and/or conscious would put US soldiers in these situations. Then once the war is prolonged people start to talk about "winning" an unwinable situation..and it does it's best to bankrupt the country. Dead soldiers are thought to have died in vain if the War isn't won, nothing could be farther from the truth, they did their service and by getting out you will save others lives who won't have to make the ultimate sacrifice. Once Defense Contractors start making Big $$$ from the war, they try to prolong it as long as they can. Things done in VietNam and Iraq are SINS against man and God, and if there is a God looking at our actions, believe it, he DOES NOT approve.Many VietNam vets say that if their hands weren't tied, they could have won that War, What?? by TOTALLY destroying the country and killing Millions instead of hundreds of thousands, that is just man's bravado talking and the military angle that has way to much power than it should have. Remember what became the VietCong and their leaders helped the allies defeat the Japanese in WWII and it was only because we went against our promises after that War and gave power back to the French(which abused the people and raped the land for their own benefit), that the Communist ideals began to fluorish there..just as Communist ideals have always ONLY come about because of FREE-Market or Dictatorial abuses(See Russia, Cuba, China).


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