I'm really surprised that there isn't a forum here on activated charcoal (maybe there is I only come on here once and a while). I'm fairly new to activated charcoal; however it's been around for thousands of years. I came across it when I was watching the Save your life Dr Schulze videos. I'd been sucessful in improving my circulation with cayenne so I thought I would give the charcoal a go to improve digestion. So I managed to get a couple of bottles from the healthfood store. I didn't start taking it straight away but my wife has had a nasty cold and I felt like it was taking hold on me and I tried the echinacea, cayenne, lots of oil pulling of course; nothing seemed to work. Then I thought maybe the activated charcoal might work I took it at night and in the morning no cold. Since then I have been taking two at night and noticed other changes clearer mind, sinus feels clear, taking in more oxygen, joints appear to less stiff (charcoal helps gout by getting rid of uric acid) and stomach less upset. I'm looking at taking it for a couple of weeks at a times when needed.