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Now isn't the time for jesters.
MtnnnDewww Views: 2,200
Published: 17 y
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Now isn't the time for jesters.

Ron Paul is a jester, a lightweight, he entertains and occasionally instructs. What delegates are you counting on to change their minds???????? McCain is in. Obama or Hillary is in! America needs leaders, not dreamers. "Inspiring people to get involved..." is all well and good...but it's not nearly enough. The next President WILL deal with a major strike against our land. People will fall from buildings again. Ron Paul is anti-military action all the way. He juggles balls in the air. Where are the Kings? We are in a deadly, deadly environment to be electing dreamers. Ron Paul's influence is non-existent, I don't see it. You and I agree on many points, but in my world, I want fighters. McCain is a dud in many areas, I wish he wasn't there...but keeping the knife from my neck is his strength. And Ron Paul hasn't the will the stand up straight and tall, grab the knife by the hand, suffer the painful cut, pull the knife from the enemy's hand, and take that knife and stab forcefully in the chest our combatant until he breaths no more. Hey, I would love it if the IRS was abolished!!!!! You kidding me?!!! With the taxes I pay?!!! But if the guy won't fight for me in the ring...what good is he? In another time, maybe the 1980's, a fellow like Ron Paul would be heard. Not now. Right message, wrong time in history.


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