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Re: Help 6wks pregnant and taking advair
ndul Views: 4,561
Published: 17 y
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Re: Help 6wks pregnant and taking advair

It was a scary time when my son had asthma. We about lost him twice at the hospital with his asthma attacks. I was scared silly that if we didn't change I would lose him in a future asthma attack, plus the medicines the doctors gave us scared the crap out of me. They got him breathing but he would shake so violently afterwards and his heart beat so hard you could literally see it thumping out of his chest. We changed his diet (and ours) and he is all better now. It took a while to get the candida knocked out of his body but we got it. He had started out with a lot of ear infections when he was little, and he was on a lot of Antibiotics for them. Then he started getting sinus infections, and he took a lot of Antibiotics for that also. It was such a viscous circle, like he was addicted to Antibiotics or something. Took some reasearch to find out that candida can cause asthma. My little guy had been on so many antibiotics and our diet was crap back then. Candida causing asthma made total sense in our case as our diet was perfect for feeding candida. We ate a lot of pizza and other fast foods, not to mention lots of sweet types of junk food. Once I cut all that out and we started him on the supplements listed in that book and the oregano oil we haven't had an asthma attack since. We just went off the antibiotics cold turkey (I was on a lot for sinus infections also) and we started taking other things like garlic, oregano oil and our ear/sinus infections could clear up. He was old enough to remember how scary it was not being able to breathe, so he is really good about staying on the diet (he just turned 9). Anyway, good luck on you getting over your asthma also. Here are a couple of articles that are interesting about this subject:

Bronchial Asthma

Giving antibiotics to babies boosts asthma risk

Fungus conclusively linked to asthma

You Tube Video Antibiotics Cause Asthma

Another book to look for at the library would be William Crook's Yeast Connection. He discusses the link between candida and asthma also. Hope this info can help you. Good luck!


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