Toxic myths about vaccines
More ranting about "toxins" by a poster who promotes a "soup" made from one of the most toxic plants in existence, as well as a
Colloidal Silver cure-all that can turn your skin bluish-gray permanently. How false and hypocritical.
Here's an excellent refutation of the "toxin" argument that antivaxers use to try to scare parents. It covers the various deceptions, exaggerations and outright lies used by antivaxers:
"It would be fascinating to engage an antivaccinationist who makes the claim that he is not “antivaccine” but “antitoxin” or “pro-vaccine safety” in a discussion and ask him this hypothetical question: If formaldehyde, “antifreeze,” aluminum, thimerosal, and every chemical in vaccines circulating in all those lists on antivaccination websites that so frighten you were somehow absolutely removed from the standard childhood vaccines so that not a single molecular remained, would you then vaccinate your child? The only thing that would remain is buffered salt water and the necessary antigens, be they killed virus or bacterial proteins, or whatever.
My guess is that nearly all antivaccinationists would say no, because it’s the “toxin” that makes vaccines work that really disturbs them...Remember that when you see these lists circulating on antivaccinist websites. Remember, too, the principle that the dose makes the poison. Only then will you understand how toxic the myths about vaccines being peddled by antivaccinationists are."
It's never about "toxins" - it's vaccines that are the target of antivaxers. Whether they're afraid of needles, obsessed by government telling them what to do
or knocking vaccines as a means of promoting their own supplements and potions, they'll stop at nothing to frighten parents away from lifesaving immunization.