Re: This is My Last Post In the Candida Forum
Detoxing the body is important. But remember what is making the body toxic in the first place? What is the source of the pollution in the body? Until you address not only the toxic aspect (symptom) but also the source of the pollution, you are only addressing the symptoms.
IMO, if you have systemic candida, candida is the source of the pollution. You need to clean the "house" and at the same time eliminate the source of pollution.
For my systemic candida, I tried raw food diet (mostly vegetables and fruits) for months, juice fast (vegetables and fruits) for weeks,
Water Fast for a week. I did not try these at the same time but at different times. These made me feel really good. But the good feeling lasted only for a short while. My body was clean so I felt good. But after a short time, the pollution came back the full force. I was back to square one.
My most recent measures are
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and iodine. These two are the most effective for my candida condition. I can not claim I am candida free yet but I feel I am well on my way to full recovery.