My sinuses were pretty much as galoxy described. Nette pot, H202 in a vaporizer while sleeping, boiling hops and breathing the steam, these are all things that helped. I also had a silver crown removed(pulled), that made a big difference, have another one that has to go as well. Most recently I have been taking high dose vitimin A(50,000 IU a day), and Colloidal Silver (3 oz a day), and pouring CS up my nose three or four times a day. The Colloidal Silver is working, I have begun waking up with with both sides of my nose clear. When I have forgot, I wake up with a clogged nose.
The high dose vitimin A is helping with the parasites, constipation and skin I think it just may be my cure. This is just the cheap stuff from walgreens. I've had more detox since the A than I have seen in a while.