Free Ignition / Acceleration with Quan Yin
I've been working with Quan Yin / Laura Lee Lizak since end of last October and the effects I am seeing are incredible. The event tonight is free - it is a teleconference and will have about 250 lines.
Here's the information:
Free Live Global Teleconference Activation:
Thursday, March 20
Ignition of Accelerated Creative Connection in Enlightenment with Beloved QuanYin
From the Creation Portal of the Active Volcanic, Big Island Of Hawaii
In Support of the 24 hour Global Equinox Event:
Full Moon, Equinox, Mayan New Year 14th Annual Stellar Wave
QuanYin channeled through Laura Lee Lizak
3 to 5 PM Hawaii---6 PM Pacific and Arizona---7 PM Mountain---8 PM Central---9 PM Eastern
Teleconference number (712) 432-3000 Pin 537534
According to the e-mail I received this will happen:
"QuanYin and the Forces of Creation invite you to gloriously ignite in this ecstatic, physical experience of Mass Connection in Enlightenment.
Mass enlightenment is already occurring. A tremendous window of opportunity for mass acceleration is available this March 20-21. Full Moon, Equinox, Mayan New Year, and the 14th Annual Stellar Wave are happening simultaneously. Many awakened souls around the planet will be gathering to co-create shift into higher dimensional accelerations. In this window of time, our creative intentions are said to be 400% more effective. Together we can make the most of the accelerated possibilities for ourselves and for our world."