Wood Elf
18 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: Importance Of Food Combining
Food combining is put beautifully and simply in Daniel Reids 'The Tao of sex, health and longevity'. It mentions many techniques and health facts etc found here on curezone, plus plenty of others. It explains about the trophology (science of food combining) using helpful charts and easy to read info.
Food will and can be digested in bad combos, but it can take longer, be more work on the system and allow putrification (protiens) or fermentation (carbs) in the gut. Bad news!
I should also mention that I have prevented bloating using correct combining. I used to be bloated almost constantly, as most people I meet/know are after eating.
Protien requires an acidic medium to digest, carbs require alkaline secretions. Thus if you eat the 2 together the two mediums are secreted and promptly neutralise each other, thus leaving a watery solution (and then we track back to putrification and fementation)