Hi Emmasmommy how are you i had the exact same happen to me I had the mirena in 5 months , two months into having mirena in just out of the blue my left side went numb and i had heart palptations and felt like passing out i thought i was having a heart attack as well i called 000 thats the emergency no here in Australia they come and told me i was just having a panick attack well from that day on it just got worse and worse not realising it was the mirena the doctors didnt know what was wrong with me i had every test under the sun which all came back negative , another three months down the track i just got sicker and sicker i could not even get out of bed i was that tired and weak until my mother said you sure its not the mirena causing all this because it all started around the same time i had it placed , so she looked up mirena side effects and found this website thank god i had it removed the next day, as soon as it was taken out i got my energy back i was good for about a week then it hit me again they call this the crash i got symptoms that i didnt have while i had the mirena in like the really itchy skin , dizziness , and joint pain . it has been 4months post removal now and i am about 80% better i still get a bit weak on left side and joint pain off and on i could not believe something so small can cause so much pain, i cant wait to feel 100% i will never put another hormone in my body again good luck and best wishesxx