Sorry Barack, not buying your "40 acres and a mule" speech.
Am I listening to BIll Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama...can't tell? Barack is a skilled, consumate liar, just like all other candidates but with the added element of subtle white hatred and the skills to deliver. No if, ands, or buts about it, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. If you are even considering this candidate for your vote, I officially brand you a fool and deserving of any and all results of your action. He deflects, dodges, and passes the blame on past "white" atrocities that we all know about. Nothing new there. How many years do the whites of this generation have to be reminded time and time again what our ancestors once did? How many years? Racist "Pastor" Jeremiah Wright will keep it alive just in case you need to be reminded for the 10,000th time! And also states that his white Obama supporters feeling that white guilt, need to "understand how a black church works" in order to rise above the talk radio rhetoric. Obama isn't speaking to black Obama supporters, folks, he's speaking directly to white Obama supporters taken back by the racist pastor that Hussein Obama sat and listened to for 20 years without walking out. I concentrate on the white Obama supporters with the white guilt because that's where the election will be won or lost. Black supporters always vote the Democrat 91% of the time, that's always there no matter how distasteful the candidate on their side. But white Obama supporters, who long for the candidate that sees no race, no skin color...this candidate sees both. Barack Hussein Obama has "audacity" in spades. He didn't denounce the racist preacher, he turned it around and stated that America (white America) doesn't understand. My question to you: Are you that stupid? I wouldn't be surprised if you ARE that stupid, to be quite frank...