Re: No massage
I have not seen my primary care doc since April 2006. When I went last, I was pre-diabetic, from their tests. I refuse to accept that.
My weight, in this moment, is higher than what I would like. That will change here, within the next 4 weeks.
Digestion, since inverting, seems to be working better. Although, I have made many changes recently, so I cannot attribute it to one thing. I do have bowel movements daily (more often than not), seems more noticeable when I invert?!
Due to everything I am and have been doing, people are noticing that my skin looks great (even though I have always been blessed with great skin).
I am not sure other than feeling taller and not as many knots in back, what I can exclusively attribute to inverting. I do enjoy it.
I completely go upside down. Then shortly before I am due up, I begin to 'rock' to see if that does anything different or help in any other kind of way.
sanc, great about the hair!
Have an Awe-filled day!