Re: Desperately need to lose weight?!
I take it this is your first time fasting. Yes 20 lbs is relatively ridiculous for 8 days. The most I lose being 6ft tall and big, is 1 and on a day or two 2
lbs. BUT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. The important thing is to keep shooting for the stars mama!!
It's important to prepare first. For me sometimes this means eating tiny salads the day before, and on other times when I have lost all control, its a bucket of chicken LOL Its part of the preparation for the journey. This is going to be very hard to do. When you get overwhelmed close your eyes and imagine the toxins leaving and the bad bacteria buildup dying off and feel yourself getting healthier.
Try to keep something on hand that is either extremely nutritional or low calorie in case you fall off the wagon... For me that is brown rice (super good for you and 125 cals per 1/4 cup ONLY MAKE 1/4 CUP) or salad bags. On occasion I have had a spoonful of peanut butter
Sugar and salt free of course.
Also I seep green tea bags in the picture in the fridge and make sure i drink the whole thing. The ensures you get nutrients and potassium so your ticker doesn't have too much of a shock.
Not a bad idea to take an aspirin while you fast. If you are really heavy chances are there is some plaque in your arteries. Aspirin will ensure thin blood.
best of luck mama, its day one for me too