Re: Suffering With Odor Issues
Hi fellow sufferer,
You sound exactly like me! And its the bit about being anxious and therefore becoming more smelly that hits the nail on the head (and also makes professionals think we are insane!) It's heartbreaking and my thoughts are with you because I know how you feel. I just wanted to mention that using lots of perfumes / body sprays etc can make it much worse. My mum suffers with this problem too and when she puts perfume on it smells awful, its like her body reacts badly to the perfume. It doesn't matter what she uses, her body seems to fight it and make it stink. I can't explain why this is....?!
Also, my daughter always complains about how stinky anything that I use on my body is - hair mousse, spray on deodorant, perfume, even tooth paste! It seems that I just make everything bad. One can choose to read something deep and meaningful and psychological into this (I'm a bad person, therefore everything that touches me turns bad) or decide that I react to chemicals on my skin and my body fights them off and by doing so produces a smell or answers on a postcard please folks....! I don't know, but all the times in the past that I've felt that the extra squirt of my expensive perfume was just the trick were probably only serving to make me more unbearable to be around.
Hang on in there and let us all know how things are going.
By the way, I'm from the UK and have tested positive for TMAU but am waiting to have a blood test to find out more about it - more enzyme info etc. Hope fully the results will help in someway, just haven't figured out exactly how just yet!
Stay positive and see you here again
Take care