Separatism in any form curtails communication...CF is OK with me..
Dear SS,
The Bible doesn't offend me at all. Neither does the Koran, the Rig Veda, the Bhagavad Gita, the PDR, nor Remington's Scientific. The venerable religious texts, every one, contain ancient evidences of truths which IMO none of us should ignore.
If someone who believes in the Koran is offended by mention of the Rig Veda, I don't want their personal prejudice to be editing what information I will have available to me to learn from.
CF is passionate in his truths. That's fine with me. IMHO he has every right to be that way, and to speak his truth. He is helping to add to the available information from a venerable, although selectively tunable, Source..
However, cutting *anyone* out, or stopping anyone's voice when they present *their version of evidence*, no matter what it is, whether anecdotal, experiential, old wives' tales, proven observations or whatever else it may be, IMO would be a misfire of judgement.
"Cutting evidence out", or separatism in any form as I have titled this post, curtails the free flow of information, and IMO would be inappropriate to the spirit of this forum.
CF, please stay with us..
..In God We Trust..