Re: Please, help with parasites id's & methods to get rid of them
Thanks for your message.
Why do you say this would be a sever bowel infection? Have you seen this kind of critters before? Please if you have and there is info I should know, write me an email. Do you think I should go to the doctor and show him/her my "findings"?
I havent had major problems with my bowels; well, appart for the very much assumed chronic constipation since I have memory, which lately I had controlled by having 1 daily bowel movement compared to once every 2-3 days.
In the bottom of my initial message it is included the treatment I am following. Lifestylewise, I wouldn't say I'm high risk individual: lived in several parts of Western Europe, except for 6 months in the Far East and 1 month in South America and Africa. Big fish depredator, but not much of a big eater -and only eat it when overcooked-. So I am very puzzled -and scared- by my outputs: contaminated water? contaminated carpets? turtle meet (eaten just once during a holiday)? jackpot(not)?
Last, do you know how to best preserve this creatures?
Thanks for any info.