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Hussein Obama's greatest political blunder...of his career!
MtnnnDewww Views: 548
Published: 17 y

Hussein Obama's greatest political blunder...of his career!

I do believe that America will see this as major error in judgment, one for which he might not recover. Millions of us go to church each Sunday and know exactly what the reason is...why we're there in the pews. You can all relate. Barack and Michelle sat in that pew listening to these racist sermons year after year and even hired this racist pastor to marry them. Then made this racist church their church of choice FOR HIS FAMILY. If this were a white man in this exact circumstance with racial-appropriate hate spewed from his pulpit...HE WOULD BE GONE TODAY! You know it, I know it, Bob Dole knows it. Hussein Obama's race is what is giving him THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. I submit to you Obama supporters, listen to the sermon tapes...any of them, take your pick. Tell me if that's acceptable to you. I really think Hillary is going to gain at the convention with this. Barack, back in the day when you weren't thinking of becoming President...why didn't you take a stand and walk right out the front door? Today, in this politically correct-filled environment, you would be seen as a hero. And you'd win the election by a landslide! You didn't. Maybe Bill O'Reilly can ask him that monumental question. There is no good answer...that's the problem with Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle.


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